
Accordions are a list of vertically stacked headers,
showing and hiding related content.

Ref to 79:1024
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Published: March 02, 2023
Updated: March 05, 2024


An accordion allows to organise and display content in a collapsible and expandable manner. It consists of a series of vertically stacked sections, each section including a heading and its associated content. By default all accordions are collapsed. When a user clicks on a section's heading or label, it expands to reveal its content, and the previously expanded section collapses. This interactive behaviour enables users to navigate and access specific sections of content without overwhelming the interface with excessive information.


Accordions are effective on smaller screens, as they reduce the need for excessive vertical scrolling, but they can also be employed on larger screens to enhance content organization. Avoid using an accordion when the user is expected to read the entire content, as it imposes the inconvenience of an additional click. It's important to note that accordions hide content from users, so they should not be used to show essential information. MDX Accordions only allow one item to be open at a time. Accordions are commonly used to present hierarchical content, such as FAQs, product descriptions, or categorised information, in a space-efficient and user-friendly manner.

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Ref to 85:1221
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Ref to 89:2064
Ref to 89:2067

Mobile Specs

On screen widths smaller than 576px, the width should be set to 100vw (100% width).

Ref to 89:2152
Ref to 89:2156

Also known as

Toggle, Arrow toggle, Collapsible sections, Collapsible, Show-Hide-Thingy