Tab Bar is used for lateral navigation between multiple sections or elements of the same hierarchy. They typically consist of a set of tab labels that represent each section and a corresponding content area for each tab. When a user selects a tab, the content associated with that tab is displayed in a tab panel while hiding the content of other tabs.
Common use cases include: settings panels, product catalogs and more.
Use tabs to group related content into different categories, reducing long scroll time and cognitive load.
Never use tabs as a primary navigation. Use the navigation component instead.
Use tabs whenever there are two or more content sections.
Avoid using more than seven content sections. Try to restructure your content instead.
Keep labels short, preferably to one word, and descriptive.
Avoid using long tab labels and refrain from using non-descriptive labels. Avoid truncating tab labels.
Use consistent tab labels in language, tone of voice and type (text or text+icon).
Stick to one type of label, either text-only or text+icon. Don't mix language, wording and tone of voice.
Mobile Specs
Display tabs full width (100vw, or 100%) on mobile
Also known as
Tab switcher, Horizontal Tabs, Tab Panel, Tab Bar