Textareas are input fields that allow users to enter and edit long-form plain text that spans multiple lines. They are commonly used in forms for capturing descriptions, messages, or any other type of text input that requires more space.
- Textareas allow for a multi-line of text, e.g. messages, descriptions, notes, etc.
Each textarea must have an associated label to give clear context to the user as to what information they are expected to provide. Use the placeholder text to provide examples.
While placeholders are optional, labels are not. Always include a label to each input.
Use textareas whenever a longer, free-form text is expected from the user that can span over multiple lines..
Don't use textareas for a single line of text, e.g. asking for a first name. Use inputs instead.
A textarea’s height should always adapt proportionally to its content, though we recommend you use a max-height.
Don't use inputs for any type of long-form content.
Keep error messages short and focus on providing a helpful solution to the user.
Don't provide vague error messages that leave the user guessing on what they did wrong.
Mobile Specs
Display tabs full width (100vw, or 100%) on mobile
Also known as
Text field, text box